What You Need to Know to Start the 2012-13 School Year

Here are some details to make sure you are well-prepared for the beginning of the school year:

First Day of School: Wednesday, August 8th - Please make sure you arrive on August 8th with your school supplies. If you have lost your supplies list, you can download it here.

Start Time of School: 8:20am

Uniforms: Many of you have already bought uniform items. If you haven't, please make sure to bring this order form with you to registration on July 26, 10am-7pm or July 27, 7am-4pm.

Transportation: The Success Express schedule is currently being finalized and will be uploaded on our website and at http://transportation.dpsk12.org/2011-2012-new-school-information/ as soon as it is ready for distribution. All families will receive a copy in the mail.

Mailing Address: Please call us at 720 423 5900 if you have a new address so that we can update it in our system and ensure you receive mailings we send.

Summer Reading: We hope you have already completed your reading, but just in case you forgot - here is the reading list. Make sure you have read a minimum of one book for your grade, but the more you read the better!

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